

A Mastermind for Senior Executives to Increase their Consciousness ​to Influence Systemic Change that Promotes Equity on Global Scale.

Specifically designed for executive leaders that already have a basic understanding of how important consciousness in ​leadership is and are ready to embody practices and learn critical concepts to help them better facilitate equity in their teams.


This Mastermind is a transformative 6-month ​program designed to empower leaders to elevate ​their consciousness and drive systemic change on ​a global scale.

Guided by a commitment to promote equity, this ​program incorporates a holistic approach that ​bridges personal development, diversity and ​equity, violence prevention, and leadership ​principles to set modern executives up for success.

By focusing on personal, social, and systemic ​mastery, participants will be well-equipped to ​drive meaningful and sustainable change within ​their organizations and beyond.

Personal - Navigate the complexities of ​your inner world and understanding by ​increasing self awareness, cultivating ​presence and empathy, and gaining ​relevant knowledge.

Social - Take your personal learning and ​understanding to the next level by ​exploring concepts through interpersonal ​interactions.

Systemic - Use your personal and social ​skills to influence systemic change.

Intentionality- Bring intention to each ​area for exponential growth.

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Participants will embark on a journey of self-discovery ​and growth through a blend of:

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This program is designed to support leaders in integrating new behaviors and ​habits, aligning actions with values, and building supportive communities to ​facilitate global equity.


Individuals will develop deeper self-awareness, cultivate presence and empathy, ​gain clarity and acquire the skills necessary to influence meaningful and ​sustainable change.


Helps leaders worldwide to be more equipped to create inclusive environments, ​foster equity and understanding and help people to live more intentional, ​fulfilling lives that resonates across all levels of society.



Life, Spirituality, and Meditation Coaching

Topics COvered will include

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Personal ​Mastery

Consciousness ​Fundamentals

Mindfulness practices ​and techniques to ​enhance focus and ​presen​ce.

Body & Emotional ​Intelligence

Self awaren​ess, mind-body c​onnection, and manag​ing emotions.

Coaching ​Fundamentals

Presence, mind and ​emotions, behavior ​integration, and ​building community.

Equity ​Fundamentals

Interconnectedness of ​consciousness, EQ, ​DEIAB, violence ​prevention & Leadership.

Reflexivity ​Fundamentals

Critically reflecting on ​how unconscious bias ​influences your actions.

Assisting a Person Board

Social ​Mastery

Leadership ​Fundamentals

Leadership styles and ​impact, strategies for ​effective leadership and ​reflexive adaptability.

Social & Cultural


Cultivating empathy, ​understanding, and ​communication to en​hance interper​sonal interac​tions.

Inclusion ​Fundamentals

Foundational ​components of DEIAB, ​historical oppressions, ​and anti-oppressive ​prac​tice.

Violence ​Prevention

Understanding the ​establishment of ​difference and creating ​safe and inclusive ​environm​ents.

Theory to ​Practice

Learn to take your ​understanding and ​turn it into practical ​skills to implement.

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Systems ​Mastery

Social Ecology ​Fundamentals

Social Ecological Model ​and understanding ​interaction between ​socia​l and ecological.

Systems Theory

Core components of ​systems theory and ​applying systems ​thinking​ to leadership.

Intersectionality ​and Sustainability

Understanding ​intersectionality in ​leadership and how it ​influences dynamics.


Explore how spirituality ​can help to enhance our ​understanding of systems ​and our leadership style.


Explore the ​importance of ​intentionality through ​each of these areas ​and how to apply it.

Schedule a free call to learn ​more about joining this ​upcoming cohort!

  • Increase your presence,
  • Gain clarity,
  • Promote equity,
  • Act with intention,
  • Emerge as changemakers.

What you’ll get with the Mastermind:

Holistic ​Courses

Personalized ​Assessments

Developmental ​Plan

Personal ​Evaluations

Group ​Coaching

Mastermind ​Community



Life, Spirituality, and Meditation Coaching

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Three Goals:

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Increase leaders’ awareness of ​self and others as interconnected ​and interdependent beings that ​are part of a larger whole

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Teach leaders to embody ​consciousness practices that facilitate ​the integration of behaviors and habits ​and support exponential growth

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Empower leaders to use their skills ​to intentionally influence systemic ​change.

Why Increase Consciousness?

Leaders influence everyone around them with their ​thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and actions and helping ​them to embody consciousness practices that build their ​body, emotional, social, and systems intelligences will ​naturally encourage others to do the same.

With Increasing Consciousness, our goal is to facilitate equity in the world ​through elevating the consciousness of world leaders.

The founder, Aang, utilizes a transdisciplinary approach that brings together key ​concepts from the fields of Leadership, Critical Social Work, Organization ​Development, Violence Prevention, Diversity and Inclusion, Public Health, Social ​Constructionism, Social Norms Theory, Appreciative Inquiry, Intersectional ​Oppression, and Change Management. These areas, in addition to their personal ​practices and certifications of various consciousness practices, are each essential ​in navigating the complexities of facilitating equity work on a global scale.

By helping the world to understand that all forms of violence stem from the ​simple establishment of difference between one person and another (or one ​nation and another), we can begin to see the reality that we are all humans ​interconnected through the ecological and social constructs that we have ​mutually defined through language and then actively shape change through their ​deconstruction.

I believe the most logical and influential place to start is by facilitating ​understanding and growth in the foundational elements that support equity and ​prevent violence and inequity by expanding individual awareness of our oneness ​or interconnectedness and removing the idea of difference. This can only be ​achieved through consciousness raising practices that encourage self-awareness ​and awareness of others that we can then use to facilitate systemic change.

Company Values: Equity, Authenticity, Service, Kindness, Self-Awareness, Moral ​Courage, Congruence, Transparency, Understanding, Empathy